Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Where The Cooks Go

All right everybody. Where do the cooks go when they want to find new ideas? I have a feeling it's the same place we all look. In cookbooks and on recipe cards. When you have everything at your disposal it seems to be a lot more simple. There are almost as many cookbooks as there are cooks it seems so how do you pick the right one for you? What kinds of food do you like to cook is seemingly the best way to wade through the cookbook jungle. Do you have a favorite chef that has a cookbook out? Did your mom, dad, or other family member hand one down to you? In my humble opinion, I would start there. Now, if you wanted to get adventurous, you could always try different cuisines of the world. The culinary delights of almost every culture are available in a recipe guide somewhere. You can even check them out at a library! If that isn't saturation of the market, I don't know what is. I think it's great. So many resources. I know I'm not a great chef but I am a good cook and can find my way through most cookbooks. All you need to do is start looking. Try something different once in a while. Now I'm not saying that you go out and make a pit barbecue if no one in your family likes barbecue but there are so many little changes that you can make in your everyday cooking that you never end up saying "I don't know what to make for dinner(or lunch,breakfast,boys night in, book club luncheon whatever)It can be so much fun that all you need to do is try it and you might find out it was something you should have done a long time ago! So there you go, all kinds of places where any cook can go and get creative. Now let's get out there and have some fun and some good food.

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